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UNANIMA – Let us mobilize against Family Homelessness!

Recently, UNANIMA INTERNATIONAL published a statement on the pandemic, demanding immediate action to protect the mos vulnerable and exposed to Covid-19, homeless families. UNANIMA denounced the lack of attention to Family Homelessness within the pandemic’s global media coverage and international politics and incites us to mobilize.

UNANIMA International Calls For Action To Protect Homeless Families During The Covid-19 Global Pandemic

What moral or just nation can allow its citizens to live without their basic needs, safety or dignity?

● Homeless families living in inadequate and emergency housing at heightened risk – The provision of adequate housing, and accompanying actions for prevention and in response to family homelessness, are essential.
● Women and Children living in unsafe or forced conditions are the “Invisible Homeless” – subject to domestic violence, abuse, and prone to trauma.
● Need for trauma informed services to address the compound traumas experienced by homeless people.

Today, UNANIMA International has called for immediate action to protect the millions of vulnerable homeless families who are now exposed to even greater risks during the Covid-19 Pandemic.

UNANIMA Internationals’ statement in response to the COVID-19 crisis comes after reflection on the lack of attention to Family Homelessness within the pandemic’s global media coverage and international politics.

Executive Director Jean Quinn, DW: This pandemic has shone a light on the ways in which, as a society, we forget about people amongst us who have nothing.

As the global spread of Covid-19 accelerates, those living in inadequate housing and in overcrowded conditions will not have the adequate shelter or accommodation to social distance. UNANIMA International asserts the right for every person to access information, sanitation, particularly hand washing, and health monitoring services.

The “Invisible Homeless” Women and Children, living in unsafe or dangerous conditions are today at peril not just from under the shadow of the pandemic but from the immediate threat of domestic violence and abuse.

As the situation worsens, it is wise and it is ethical to consider those marginalised in our society. Combined with often poor nutrition and other underlying health issues largely linked with economic injustice and issues of access, they are at great risk of contracting the virus. This risk has been escalating as inequalities between and within nations are increasing in accordance with disjointed governmental responses.

The economic and social fallout from the global pandemic will have long lasting negative effects on marginalised communities. The immediate traumas caused by the pandemic will be compounded by other traumas that those who have experienced homelessness have experienced. For this reason, UNANIMA International calls for a trauma-informed response and services.

For more information please contact:
Jean Quinn
+1 (929) 259-2105

For more information about UNANIMA International, please visit:

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See attached UNANIMA International’s full statement and recommendations on Covid19 and Family Homelessness.

About UNANIMA International

UNANIMA International is a Coalition of22CommunitiesofWomenReligiousandanewgroup of friends, serving in 85 countries with 25,000 members. For over18yearsourfocushasbeenon Women, Children/Girls, Migrants and Refugees. These groups disproportionately comprise the homelesspopulationsofourworld,thoughareoftenhiddenstatisticallyandotherwiseoverlooked. It is our mandate to ensure these groups are able to achieveabetterqualityoflifethroughhaving their voices heard at the international level.

Advocacy Actions

UNANIMA International has consultative status at the United Nations and will use UN opportunities such as upcoming commissions, the High Level Political Forum and others, to share our findings and concerns. In July two publications (second volumes) will be released, including an analysis of Family Homelessness through the Sustainable Development Goals (the UN 2030 Agenda) and a Country Cases publication within which Family Homelessness in several countries and within Indigenous territories will be profiled.



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