About the Daughters of Wisdom

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Central Administration

Sr Pierrette Bwamba, Sr Antonella Prestia, Sr. Rani Kurian, Sr Marie-Reine Gauthier and Sr Isabelle Retailleau.

Congregational Leader :  Sr Rani Kurian (Inde)

Councilors of the Congregational Leader :
Sr Pierrette Bwamba (RD du Congo)
Sr Marie-Reine Gauthier (Canada)
Sr Antonella Prestia (Italie)
Sr Isabelle Retailleau (France, second mandat)

Congregation des Filles de la Sagesse


The Central Administration is composed of the Congregational Leader, her Councilors, the Treasurer Sr. Ruth Dary Palacio and the Secretary Sr.Ginette Ulysse.

These sisters carry out their mission in a spirit of service and co-responsibility; they animate the life of the Institute. They assume the responsibility of all territorial entities respecting for the principle of subsidiarity.

